
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. under_review.png
    DataLens: Interactive ML-Oriented Tabular Data Quality Dashboard
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Samuel Lokadja ,  Arne Kreuz ,  and  Harald Schöning
    In Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR) , 2025
  2. vldb2025_logo.png
    Generalizable Data Cleaning of Tabular Data in Latent Space
    Eduardo Reis ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Carsten Binnig
    In International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) , 2025


  1. dawak.jpg
    Open-Source Drift Detection Tools in Action: Insights from Two Use Cases
    Rieke Müller ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Davor Stjelja
    In International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DAWAK 2024) , Aug 2024
  2. adbis.jpg
    LLMClean: Context-Aware Tabular Data Cleaning via LLM-Generated OFDs
    Fabian Biester ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Daniel Del Gaudio
    In The 28th European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS) , Aug 2024
  3. icde_2024.png
    ReClean: Reinforcement Learning for Automated Data Cleaning in ML Pipelines
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Anil Bora Yayak ,  Kai Klede ,  and  Harald Schöning
    In International Workshop on Databases and Machine Learning (DBML), ICDE Workshops , Aug 2024
  4. icce_2024.png
    XAI-Enhanced Semantic Segmentation Models for Visual Quality Inspection
    Tobias Clement ,  Hung Nguyen ,  and  Mohamed Abdelaal
    In IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2024) , Jan 2024
    Best Presentation Award
  5. ijcai_2024.png
    LangXAI: Integrating Large Vision Models for Generating Textual Explanations to Enhance Explainability in Visual Perception Tasks [Demo]
    Truong Thanh Hung Nguyen ,  Tobias Clement ,  Phuc Truong Loc Nguyen ,  Nils Kemmerzell ,  Van Binh Truong ,  Vo Thanh Khang Nguyen ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Hung Cao
    In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) , Aug 2024
  6. manufacturing.jpg
    AI in Manufacturing: Market Analysis and Opportunities
    Mohamed Abdelaal
    ResearchGate, Aug 2024
  7. edbt_2024.png
    SAGED: Meta learning-powered Error Detection Technique for Tabular Data
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Tim Ktitarev ,  Daniel Staedtler ,  and  Harald Schoening
    In 27th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) , Mar 2024
  8. patent_pending.jpg
    ML-Oriented Interactive Tabular Data Quality Display Systems and Methods
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Samuel Lokadja ,  and  Arne Kreuz
    May 2024
    Submitted to the U.S. patent office


  1. ijcai_2023.png
    Coping with Data Distribution Shifts: XAI-based Adaptive Learning with SHAP Clustering for Energy Consumption Prediction
    Tobias Clement ,  Hung Nguyen ,  Nils Kemmerzell ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Davor Stjelja
    In 36th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AJCAI2023) , Nov 2023
    Best Paper Runner-up Award
  2. iswc_2023.png
    Enhancing Knowledge Base Construction from Pre-trained Language Models using Prompt Ensembles
    Daniel Del Gaudio ,  Fabian Biester ,  and  Mohamed Abdelaal
    In 1st workshop on Knowledge Base Construction from Pre-Trained Language Models (KBC-LM) , Nov 2023
  3. percom_2023.jpg
    RTClean: Context-aware Tabular Data Cleaning using Real-time OFDs
    Daniel Del Gaudio ,  Tim Schubert ,  and  Mohamed Abdelaal
    In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops) , Mar 2023
  4. edbt_2023.png
    REIN: Comprehensive Benchmark Framework for Data Cleaning in ML Pipelines
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Christian Hammacher ,  and  Harald Schoening
    In 26th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) , Mar 2023
  5. aidm_2023.jpg
    AutoCure: Automated Data Curation Framework for ML Pipelines
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Rashmi Koparde ,  and  Harald Schoening
    In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Exploiting Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Data Management (SIGMOD Workshops) , Apr 2023
  6. deem_2023.jpg
    DiffML: End-to-end Differentiable ML Pipelines
    Benjamin Hilprecht ,  Christian Hammacher ,  Eduardo Reis ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Carsten Binnig
    DEEM ’23: Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Data Management for End-to-End Machine Learning (SIGMOD Workshops), Apr 2023
    Best Paper Runner-up Award
  7. patent_pending.jpg
    Systems and/or Methods for Reinforced Data Cleaning and Learning in Machine Learning Inclusive Computing Environments
    Mohamed Abdelaal
    Apr 2023
    Submitted to the U.S. patent office


  1. xair.jpg
    XAIR: A Systematic Meta-Review of Explainable AI aligned to the Software Development Process
    Tobias Clement ,  Nils Kemmerzell ,  and  Mohamed Abdelaal
    Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, special issue on Advances in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), Apr 2022
  2. patent_pending.jpg
    Automated Data Preparation Method for ML Pipelines
    Mohamed Abdelaal
    Aug 2022
    Submitted to the U.S. patent office


  1. patent_pending.jpg
    Meta Learning-Based Systems for Error Detection in Structured Data
    Mohamed Abdelaal
    Dec 2021
    Submitted to the U.S. patent office


  1. rtsca_2020.jpg
    AutoSec: Multideimensional Timing-Based Anomaly Detection for Automotive Cybersecurity
    Milan Tepic ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Marc Weber ,  and  Kurt Rothermel
    In The IEEE 26th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA) , Aug 2020
  2. ccnc_2020.png
    liteNDN: QoS-Aware Packet Forwarding and Caching for Named Data Networks
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Mustafa Karadeniz ,  Frank Dürr ,  and  Kurt Rothermel
    In CCNC’20: 17th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference , Jan 2020
  3. tiot.jpg
    MapSense: Grammar-Supported Inference of Indoor Objects from Crowd-Sourced 3D Point Clouds
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Suriya Sekar ,  Frank Dürr ,  Kurt Rothermel ,  Susanne Becker ,  and  Dieter Fritsch
    ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (ACM TIOT), Jan 2020


  1. gaas.png
    GaaS: Adaptive Generic Gateway Design for IoT Applications
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Mochamed Dandy ,  Marwan Amr ,  Frank Dürr ,  and  Kurt Rothermel
    In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS’19) , Nov 2019


  1. greenmap.png
    GreenMap: Approximated Filtering towards Energy-Aware Crowdsensing for Indoor Mapping
    Johannes Kässinger ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Frank Dürr ,  and  Kurt Rothermel
    In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems , Oct 2018
  2. ubicomp.png
    ComNSense: Grammar-Driven Crowd-Sourcing of Point Clouds for Automatic Indoor Mapping
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Daniel Reichelt ,  Frank Dürr ,  Kurt Rothermel ,  Lavinia Runceanu ,  Susanne Becker ,  and  Dieter Fritsch
    Proceedings of ACM Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (ACM UbiComp 2018), Mar 2018
  3. ijsn.jpg
    Quality of service control in proactive wireless sensor networks via lifetime planning
    Peilin Zhang ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Oliver Theel
    International Journal of Sensor Networks, Mar 2018


  1. ipccc_2017.png
    iSense: Energy-aware Crowd-sensing Framework
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Mohammad Qaid ,  Frank Dürr ,  and  Kurt Rothermel
    In 2017 IEEE 36th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC) , Dec 2017
  2. mobiquitous.jpg
    GraMap: QoS-Aware Indoor Mapping with Grammar Support
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Frank Dürr ,  Kurt Rothermel ,  Susanne Becker ,  and  Dieter Fritsch
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services , Dec 2017
  3. sensors.png
    An Improved BLE Indoor Localization with Kalman-Based Fusion: An Experimental Study
    Jenny Röbesaat ,  Peilin Zhang ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Oliver Theel
    Sensors, Dec 2017


  1. wsn.jpg
    Improving Energy Efficiency in QoS-Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Oliver Theel ,  Christian Kuka ,  Peilin Zhang ,  Yang Gao ,  Vasilisa Bashlovkina ,  Daniela Nicklas ,  and  Martin Fränzle
    IJDSN, Dec 2016
  2. phd.jpg
    Enabling Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensing with Improved Service Quality
    Mohamed Abdelaal
    University of Oldenburg, Germany , Dec 2016


  1. wsn.png
    QoS Improvement with Lifetime Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Peilin Zhang ,  and  Oliver E. Theel
    In 11th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, MSN 2015, Shenzhen, China, December 16-18, 2015 , Dec 2015
  2. icc_2015.jpg
    FuzzyCAT: A lightweight Adaptive Transform for sensor data compression
    Vasilisa Bashlovkina ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Oliver E. Theel
    In IEEE International Conference on Communication, ICC 2015, London, United Kingdom, June 8-12, 2015, Workshop Proceedings , Dec 2015
  3. icwise.png
    liteDTW: A lightweight dynamic time warping for tiny wireless sensing devices
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Peter Mosaad ,  and  Oliver Theel
    In 2015 IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors (ICWiSe) , Aug 2015
  4. cps.jpg
    FuzzyCAT: a novel procedure for refining the F-transform based sensor data compression (Poster)
    Vasilisa Bashlovkina ,  Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Oliver Theel
    In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2015, Seattle, WA, USA, April 14-16, 2015 , Aug 2015
  5. issnip.jpg
    Reliable Virtual Sensing for Wireless Sensor Networks
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Christian Kuka ,  Oliver Theel ,  and  Daniela Nicklas
    In The IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) , Apr 2015
  6. ffm.png
    Fuzzy Compression Refinement via Curvature Tracking
    Mohamed Abdelaal
    In Frontiers of Formal Methods , Feb 2015
  7. wsn.png
    Distributed Techniques for Energy Conservation in Wireless Sensor Networks
    Mohamed Abdelaal
    In Doctoral Consortium in conjunction with the 4th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS) , Feb 2015


  1. wsn.png
    Design and Analysis of Power Conservation Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks
    Mohamed Abdelaal
    In Doctoral Colloquium in conjunction with The 12th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2014) , Nov 2014
  2. wsn.png
    Recent energy-preservation endeavours for longlife wireless sensor networks: A concise survey
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Oliver Theel
    In Eleventh International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, WOCN 2014, Vijayawada, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India, September 11-13, 2014 , Nov 2014
    An extension of the article: Power Management in Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges and Solutions
  3. issnip.jpg
    EAVS: Energy Aware Virtual Sensing for Wireless Sensor Networks
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Gao Yang ,  Martin Fränzle ,  and  Oliver Theel
    In 2014 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) , Apr 2014


  1. icwise.png
    An efficient and adaptive data compression technique for energy conservation in wireless sensor networks
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Oliver Theel
    In 2013 IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensor (ICWISE) , Dec 2013
  2. wsn.png
    Power Management in Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges and Solutions
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  and  Oliver Theel
    In The 2013 International Conference in Centeral Asia on Internet (ICI 2013) , Oct 2013


  1. wsn.png
    Energy Saving and Reliable Data Reduction Techniques for Single and Multi-Modal WSNs
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Rabie Ramadan ,  Ahmad Dessouki ,  and  Mohamed Abdel-meguid
    In The IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET) , Oct 2012
  2. ciit.jpg
    Reliable Data Reduction Approaches in WSNs: Greenhouse Plant Disease Detection as a Case Study
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Rabie Ramadan ,  Ahmad Dessouki ,  and  Mohamed Abdelmeguid
    In The CiiT International Journal , Oct 2012


  1. ie_2011.jpg
    An Efficient Data Reduction Technique for Single and Multi-Modal WSNs
    Mohamed Abdelaal ,  Rabie Ramadan ,  Ahmad Dessouki ,  and  Mohamed Abdelmeguid
    In Workshop Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2011, Nottingham, United Kingdom, July 25-28, 2011 , Oct 2011
  2. master.png
    An Efficient Power Reduction Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks
    Mohamed Abdelaal
    Nov 2011


  1. bachelor.png
    An Autonomous Mobile Robot for Industrial Operations
    Mohamed Abdelaal
    May 2008